Always leave office on time
Work is a never-ending process. It can never be completed.
Interest of a company or client is important, so is your family.
If you fall in your life, neither your boss nor your client will offer you a helping hand; your family and friends will.
Life is not only about work, office and client. There is more to life. You need time to socialize, entertain, relax and exercise. Don’t let life be meaningless.
A person who stays late at the office is not a hardworking person. Instead he/she is a fool who doesn't know how to manage work within the stipulated time, and is inefficient and incompetent in his/her work.
You did not study hard and struggle in life to become a productivity machine.
If your boss forces you to work late, he/she may be highly ineffective at achieving company or client goals; so forward this to him/her.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (Former President of India)